Monday, October 22, 2007

Getting Your Wedding Business Website Top Ranked At Google

10 Things You Need To Know (and What To Do Today) or You Don't Stand A Chance of Getting a Top Position at the World's Most Popular Search Engine


Getting top ranking with Google, and staying there, is just like having a money tree in your back yard.

Web site owners that I've helped to get top ranked have cut back on other advertising and traditional marketing costs - and still achieved an increase in their sales.

More sales + less cost = more PROFIT.

Other Web site owners who once got four or five inquiries a month are now getting four or five inquiries, sometimes MORE, in a single day!

Why, you ask?

Because statistics show that 80% who start an Internet session are "looking for something" and their search begins with a search engine.

The Internet is the ultimate research tool. It is virtually free, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Old, young, business executives, artists, research scientists, doctors, lawyers, just about everyone knows the Internet is the quickest and easiest way to find information.

Google is the #1 search engine and more than 70% of all the searches performed each month are performed using Google.

We're talking BILLIONS of searches each month - just at Google.

Google is the place to be top ranked. To ignore the value of a top ranked position for your website is a mistake that your competition will be glad you made.

Here is the good news. When you optimize for Google and get top ranking with them your efforts will probably deliver similar positioning at Yahoo! and MSN.

The bad news is that there is a lot of competition for these top positions which makes it more difficult to achieve. All the more reason to know what to do.

This complete report is available for members of my ADVANTAGE program at Book More Weddings.

Chris Jaeger
Book More Weddings

Get the ADVANTAGE for your website. More traffic, more brides, more inquiries, more sales.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Get More Brides To Make Inquiries From Your Website

What is the difference between one person who calls me and says "We get great results from our website, sometimes we get five to six inquiries a day" and the person who calls and says "I haven't got an inquiry in weeks."

Chris Jaeger
Book More Weddings

Get the ADVANTAGE for your website. More traffic, more brides, more inquiries, more sales.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Get Better Results and Book More Weddings Using Fresh Content At Your Website

There are a lot of reasons to keep your website fresh with new content.

Three would be:

1) Search engines like to see websites that have new information and appear to actually have real people behind them that are updating the website.

2) It also leaves a positive impression with brides who visit/revisit your website.

3) It gives you an opportunity to get better search engine placement for your website and increase your online visibility by creating relevant keyword-rich content.

This complete report is available for members of my ADVANTAGE program at Book More Weddings.

Chris Jaeger
Book More Weddings

Get the ADVANTAGE for your website. More traffic, more brides, more inquiries, more sales.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Google Shuffles SERP Layout (Search engine results page)

Today while doing some research for a client something very strange appeared on my screen, something that I haven't seen before:

Google Local Listings showing up in a different place on the search engine results page.

They showed up part way down the page!

I've never seen this before , Google shuffling different elements of the page, and it looks like Google is experimenting with where they are placing different features again (see graphic below):

(1) Sponsored Listings (top of page) - these people show up at the top of the page, in the header area, because they are top bidders using Adwords pay-per-click. If you want to show up there just bid higher and you'll knock someone down into...

(2) Sponsored Listings (right column) - more sponsored listings (advertising) for those who are not bidding as high, per-click, as someone else.

(3) The actual "organic" results or "free" listings (that everyone wants and you get using a comprehensive search engine optimization strategy).

(4) Local listings - usually just below #1, but before the organic listings. I'm haven't seen them here before.

This could have been some type of browser issue, or temporary Google-glitch, but I doubt it.

More likely, it's Google playing around with their layout and presentation and watching how it impacts what people click on and how they use Google.

Bottom line: So what does this mean to you?

It means the value of ORGANIC listings, and all that search engine optimization you've been working on, is being diluted as it becomes harder and harder to find the organic listings on a results page (I have talked about this before, when the Local Listings were first introduced).

It means putting all your effort into search engine "optimization" is a losing strategy in the long-term. The correct strategy is to combine search engine optimization, search engine marketing (PPC), link building, email marketing, and stategic advertising buys - as your traffic building stategy.

Is it still worth optimizing for Google (and other search engines)?


Trust me, your (smart) competitors are optimizing for Google and as long as they are it almost forces you to play in that game.

On top of that, having a top ranked website at Google is just like having a money tree in your back yard.

If you don't know how to get your website top ranked at Google it's time to get that knowledge and information and start an aggressive search engine optimization program.

Waiting only puts you further behind. These days, it's taking six to twelve months to get a site into the top 10, if not longer - if you do everything correctly.

Chris Jaeger
Book More Weddings

Get the ADVANTAGE for your website. More traffic, more brides, more inquiries, more sales.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Success Stories: Organization Plus

The first in a series of success stories based on an effective online marketing strategy and proper execution.

Organization Plus (

Summary: Easy-to-use website that presents a LOT of information, top organic search engine positioning (#1, top 5) for targeted keywords at Google, MSN, Yahoo!, conversion very good (visitors call, make inquiries, or subscribe to enewsletter).

Nancy Black is one of my clients who is not in the wedding industry. She is a Professional Organizer in Boston, celebrating her 25th year in business.

Search engine optimization has been an ongoing process and she's been top ranked (top 10) for that past couple years (2004-2006).

This past year (2007) she's moved into top position for almost all the keywords we're targeting.

There are 15-20 words/phrases that people primarily use to find her type of services in the Boston, and North of Boston, area.

What I've learned: It takes time to break into the top 5, keywords in your copy are critical, the right keywords and keyword phrases in the right places are important, keeping a website fresh with content is also very important, and patience.

I've also learned that a top position for keywords and phrases people are searching for is like having a money tree in your backyard - if your website can convert qualified visitors into inquiries, phone calls, and sales.

Sadly, most don't.

Nancy also runs Google Adwords and budgets a nominal amount each month for very targeted keywords.

She already has "organic" placement for these keywords/phrases, but the site converts visitors into inquiries or newsletter subscriptions so well, it's a small investment that is well worth it.

After word-of-mouth, and Nancy is the ultimate-networker, Nancy's website probably is responsible for more than 90% of her new business.

The plan going forward: build Nancy's email newsletter subscriber base, build repeat traffic and name recognition, and focus on distinguishing herself from the competition (experience and unique value proposition: The Three Hour Transformation).

Chris Jaeger
Book More Weddings

Get the ADVANTAGE for your website. More traffic, more brides, more inquiries, more sales.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Keeping Your Website Fresh Has Many Benefits

Keeping your website fresh with new content has many benefits.

It can GREATLY improve your organic search engine positioning.

It's part of creating more online visibility and making it easier for brides to find your website among thousands of others.

And when your website looks better than the last three a bride visited, you'll be more likely to get an inquiry or phone call.

But who has time to write all this great content?

Here's a solution that will help you in your efforts marketing to brides.

Chris Jaeger
Book More Weddings

Get the ADVANTAGE for your website. More traffic, more brides, more inquiries, more sales.