Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Get Better Results From Your Website: Tips #893-897

Later this year I'll be publishing my book "1000+ Internet Marketing Tips, Tricks, and Resources: How To Get Better Results From Your Website, Reach More Online Brides, Beat Your Competition, and Book More Weddings." One of the questions everyone asks me is: "how can I get better results from my website" which is hopefully asked before "I used to get lots of leads from my website, what went wrong?"


One simple way to get the best results from your website when marketing to brides online is to make sure your website creates a FAVORABLE EXPERIENCE.

When I walk into the Whole Foods Supermarkets in the Boston area - man, I immediately get a FAVORABLE EXPERIENCE. I'm not necessarily impressed, but let me tell you, these folks are all about FAVORABLE EXPERIENCE, especially when compared to the competition (who they leave in the dust!).

Tip # 893: Does Your Website Create A Good First Impression?

There's no better way to leave a POOR FIRST IMPRESSION then by setting off warning messages in someone's web browser when they visit your homepage. Active-X scripts/menus will do that on most Internet Explorer browsers that have even basic security enabled. Slow loading home pages leave a poor first impression. If your homepage takes more than 6 seconds to load (i.e. your Flash "splash" page), don't be surprised of brides just decide to hit their back button and leave!

Marketing to brides online, how's your bounce rate?Don't believe me? Go take a look at your "Bounce Rate" if you're running Google Analytics (which you should be). If it's high, your traffic is leaving before clicking on any other link at your website or in less than a minute.

More at this link: Marketing to Brides

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