Sunday, October 05, 2008

#12 - 25 Things Your Webmaster Will Not Tell You

#12 - Hits Are Not Individual Brides And Grooms

The next time your webmaster says "hits" when talking about traffic at your website, fire him.

Why? Because either they don't know what they are talking about or they are intentionally misleading you.

"Hits" are not real people. "Hits" are not real brides and grooms. Real people (i.e., brides and grooms) create "Visitor Sessions."

When a bride visits a web page that has ten images on it she creates 11 "hits" on your server.

Here's how it is calculated: your server was asked to deliver a full page of code and 10 images to that person's computer screen, creating 11 "hits" on the server. This is only one visitor session, but registers as 11 "hits."

Marketing to brides online will become tougher in 2009. Don't let the competition eat-your-lunch, join my ADVANTAGE program today.

Looking for the latest wedding industry statistics?

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