Sunday, August 24, 2008

#2 - 25 Things Your Webmaster Will Not Tell You

Your Website Must Be Better Than The Competition

I bet your webmaster can't even tell you three of your biggest online competitors!
It would be foolish to think your website is the only one brides are going to visit when planning their wedding.

Chances are they've found three to six of your competitors and they might have even bookmarked their websites.

First, be sure your website has a "Bookmark Our Website" option prominently displayed.
Then, know that your website has to be better than your competition's. If it's not, you will lose sales and market-share to your competition. In today's competitive online marketplace making a good impression online is a must.

Here's how you can make it happen: Find five of your competitors online. Have a professional analyze their website for strengths and weaknesses to help you develop your strategy. Then consider how you can make your website better than the competition.

Your website should look fresh, be updated often, and have better marketing copy than your competition. It should have better features, colorful and sharp graphics, easier navigation, and offer a more compelling reason to choose you and your services over someone else.

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