Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Keeping Your Website Fresh and Updated

Q&A With Chris

Q: Chris, how often do we have to update our website? How important is it?

A: You'll leave a better impression with a bride/groom visiting your website if your website looks up-to-date and has current information on it - particularly on the home page. Weekly updates are actually quite valuable. They don't have to be full page updates, but a paragraph about a recent wedding, a happy customer, or new service you are offering is surely valuable content and will keep your site looking fresh.

Keep in mind, brides may visit your website more than once, particularly those early in their planning process, so "fresh" does have value.

But if you're going to do this you have to do it right, like most things Internet. Your credibility falls like a rock if you have homepage content that is outdated or occurred two months ago.

So, yes, it is very important and the more frequently you can update or provide "freshness" to your homepage and website, the better.

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