Monday, May 19, 2008

Why Isn't My Website Working? (1)

I get asked this question a lot:

Q: Why isn't my website working?

Today I'll start a series of posts that answer that question. As you might guess, there are many reasons a bride might leave your website. I call it "bail-out" and Google calls it a bounce (if she leaves in less than 60 seconds or doesn't click on another link at your website).

#1 Give A Bride What She Came For

You can have all the traffic in the world but if you don't give brides what they came for - they just leave.

A bride wants to know five things:

* What you do?

* What you will do for her?

* Why you are different than the last five websites she's visited (unique value proposition)?

* What you have done for others (testimonials)?

* How to contact you?

Believe it or not, you have about 8 seconds to deliver this information on your home page. You do this with WORDS (your marketing copy) and PICTURES( that support and re-emphasize the message in your marketing copy).

If I visited your home page today, would I be able to tell what you do, where you do it, what you'll do for me, why you are different than your competition (because I was just at their website too)? Do you show me happy customers (pictures and testimonials) and do you give me at least six options on every page to contact you or get to your contact form?

Successfully marketing to brides online takes careful planning and optimized execution. Nine out of ten brides are using the Internet for their wedding planning. If you're not getting the results you expected from your website drop me a line.

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