Sunday, December 21, 2008

Marketing to Brides in 2009 - Ten Reasons A Bride Will Leave Your Website

Ten Reasons A Bride Will Leave Your Website

It's hard enough to get good traffic to your website. The last thing you want to do is lose a bride once she's there. If you're buying online advertising (which is smart!) you'll want to maximize your investment and make sure you don't give a bride any of these reasons to leave your website before making an inquiry.


Most brides will leave a web site when they have to wait for it to load. If they think something isn't right, they just leave. The result: lost sales. Online marketing folks call it "bail out" and it's hands down the number one reason brides will leave your web site. Your first page needs to load in less than 5 seconds, 8 seconds at the most. That's right 5 to 8 seconds. Studies show bail out starts shortly thereafter. After 20 seconds, bail out rates can be as high as 80%. Slowness is usually a result of poor web site hosting, pages that are too large, pages with too many graphics or nested tables, complex programming, poorly written scripts, or maybe even FLASH.

404 Errors

When a bride or groom visits your site and requests a nonexistent page (URL) your server sends their browser an error page. This event is recorded as a "404 Not Found" error in your web server logs and is important information you should look for on a monthly basis. It means brides are NOT getting what they're looking for. Encountering an error page is a frustrating experience for a web site visitor and studies show this is a leading reason why people leave web sites. The most common reasons for 404 errors include: programming error, incorrect or outdated link on one or more of your pages, incorrect or outdated link to your site from another site, search engine index contains an outdated page, outdated user bookmark to a page you deleted, or a bride/groom made an error when manually entering a URL.

Web Site Text That is Hard To Read

Background images, use of italics, animated graphics dancing across a bride's computer monitor, use of multiple fonts, too much text and not enough "white space" all make it hard to read the information a bride is looking for. Dark colored text on light colored pages (non-background) will outperform any other combination 99% of the time. Also, DON'T SHOUT AT YOUR VISITORS BY WRITING IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and keep text aligned to the top and to the left - that's how people's eyes are trained to read. Centered text in paragraphs is hard to read in most cases and should be avoided. Choose fonts that are easy to read like Arial, Verdana, Geneva, and Helvetica and keep them consistent in size and color throughout your site.


I still see too many framed web sites and I recommend most sites avoid using them. There is really no need to use them. In most cases they are more confusing to the brides and grooms who visit your site then they are worth. Frames can be useful on occasion, but often they create more problems then benefit. If you "have to" have that framed look, use a Cascading Style Sheet. Study after study shows web browsers have a more enjoyable experience at web sites without frames. If that's not enough of a reason, most search engines have problems or ignore pages that use frames. If your webmaster insists on using frames, ask him/her WHY and then how they will compensate for these two significant problems that can result in lost sales.

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